Giarlo, M.J. & Hswe, P. (2013). Community Spotlight: ScholarSphere. Digital Library Federation Community Spotlight. [Full-text]

Giarlo, M.J. (2013). Academic Libraries as Data Quality Hubs. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 1(3). [Full-text]

Hswe, P., Giarlo, M.J., Belden, M., Clair, K., Coughlin, D., Klimczyk, L. (2012). Building a Community of Curatorial Practice at Penn State: A Case Study. Journal of Digital Information, 13(1). [Full-text]

Hswe, P., Furlough, M.J., Giarlo, M.J., & Martin, M. (2011). Responding to the Call to Curate: Digital Curation in Practice at Penn State. International Journal of Digital Curation, 6(2). [Full-text]

Giarlo, M.J. (2009). Institutional Identifiers in Repositories: A Survey Report. Information Standards Quarterly, 21(4), 25-27. [Full-text]

Barrera, A., Chilana, P., Clarke, K., & Giarlo, M. (2007). 2007 Code4Lib Conference Report. Library Hi-Tech News, 24(7), 4-7. [Full-text, Abstract]

Jantz, R. & Giarlo, M.J. (2007). Digital archiving and preservation: Technologies and processes for a trusted repository. In W.E. Landis & R.L. Chandler (Eds.), Archives and the Digital Library. New York: Haworth Press.

Jantz, R. & Giarlo, M.J. (2007). Digital archiving and preservation: Technologies and processes for a trusted repository. Journal of Archival Organization, 4(1/2).

Giarlo, M.J. (2006). The role of skepticism in human-information behavior: A cognitive-affective analysis. Library Student Journal, 1. [Full-text]

Chudnov, D., Binkley, P., Frumkin, J., Giarlo, M.J., Rylander, M., Singer, R., & Summers, E. (2006). Introducing unAPI. Ariadne Magazine, 48. [Full-text]

Jantz, R. & Giarlo, M.J. (2005). Digital preservation: Architecture and technology for trusted digital repositories. Microform & Imaging Review, 34(3), 135-147.

Jantz, R. & Giarlo, M.J. (2005). Digital preservation: Architecture and technology for trusted digital repositories. D-Lib Magazine, 11(6). [Full-text]

Hancock, B. & Giarlo, M.J. (2001). Moving to XML: Latin texts XML conversion project at the Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities. Library Hi Tech, 19(3), 257-264. [Abstract]

Giarlo, M.J. (1998). Conditions on anaphora: An analysis of SELF across syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic boundaries. Henry Rutgers Scholars Program thesis, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, US.
